Moscow, 2020 y.
A short story about the space race of two superpowers, turned into a romantic tale of two people in space. This triptych is about the one step it takes from hatred to love.
Moscow, 2020 y.
A short story about the space race of two superpowers, turned into a romantic tale of two people in space. This triptych is about the one step it takes from hatred to love.
Moscow, 2020 y.
A short story about the space race of two superpowers, turned into a romantic tale of two people in space. This triptych is about the one step it takes from hatred to love.
A short story about the space race of two superpowers, turned into a romantic tale of two people in space. This triptych is about the one step it takes from hatred to love.
Moscow, 2020 y.
Moscow, 2020 y.
Короткая история о космической гонке двух сверхдержав, превратившаяся в романтическую сказку о двух людях в космосе. Триптих про один шаг от ненависти до любви.